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Python Learning Day 1-2


Welcome back to “Python for Beginners” on BegunPro! In today’s blog post, we’ll dive into the fundamental building blocks of Python programming – variables, data types, and basic operations. If you’ve been following along, by now, you’ve set up Python and explored online editors. Today, let’s deepen our understanding of how Python handles data.

Variables in Python In Python, variables are used to store and manage data. Think of them as containers with labels that you can use to reference different values. Here’s a quick example:
					# Declare a variable
my_variable = 10

# Print the value of the variable

In the above snippet, my_variable is a variable storing the value 10. Python is dynamically typed, meaning you don’t have to explicitly mention the variable’s type; it’s inferred from the assigned value.

Data Types: int, float, and string

Python supports various data types, and three of the most basic ones are int (integer), float (floating-point number), and string. Let’s explore each:

  1. Integer (int): Whole numbers without any decimal points.

					my_integer = 42


2. Float (float): Numbers with decimal points or in exponential form.

					my_float = 3.14


2.String (str): Sequence of characters enclosed in single or double quotes.

					my_integer = 42
my_float = 3.14
my_string = "Hello, Python!"


Basic Operations

Python allows you to perform various operations on these data types. Here are some basic operations:

  • Arithmetic Operations:

					addition_result = 5 + 3
subtraction_result = 10 - 4
multiplication_result = 6 * 2
division_result = 8 / 2
  • String Operation
					greeting = "Hello"
name = "Alice"
combined_string = greeting + " " + name
  • Type Conversion:
					number_as_string = "42"
converted_number = int(number_as_string)
Conclusion Congratulations! You’ve now covered the basics of variables, data types, and basic operations in Python. Understanding these concepts lays a solid foundation for more advanced programming. In the next blog post, we’ll explore input/output and delve into more advanced string manipulations. Stay tuned, and happy coding! As always, if you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to reach out. Until next time, keep coding and exploring the world of Python!

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